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2020 Reviews | Reseñas del 2020

See the links below for my thoughts on the books I've read this year.
Vea los enlaces debajo para mis pensamientos sobre los libros que he leído este año.

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Another Brooklyn – Jacqueline Woodson


‣ lyrical

‣ inner-city childhood

‣ 1970s 

For God so loved the world, their father would say, he gave his only begotten son. But what about his daughters, I wondered. What did God do with his daughters?”


A Good Neighborhood – Therese Anne Fowler


‣ startling 

‣ easy-to-read

‣ for those who like Little Fires Everywhere

“It's in the telling of a tragedy that we sow the seeds—we hope—of prevention of future sorrows.” 


The Holdout – Graham Moore

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

‣ legal thriller

‣ twists

‣ questionable characters

‣ romances

"Why did Agatha's characters murder each other? It was usually for money. Sometimes for revenge. Very rarely, someone killed for love."


Thick and Other Essays – Tressie McMillan Cottom

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

‣ black feminism

‣ academia

‣ super readable

"Your hair thick, your nose thick, your lips thick, all of you just thick."


Modern Lovers – Emma Straub

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

‣ shitty people doing basically nothing

‣ tokenism

‣ the worst kind of new yorkers

"You couldn't pay me a million dollars to eat a fish that was born in Brooklyn."


Topics of Conversation – Miranda Popkey

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

‣ like Three Women, but better

‣ white girls sit around & talk

‣ that's it. that's the book.

"The woman as object is less vulgar than the woman as subject."


There's A Word For That – Sloane Tanen

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

‣ kind of meh tbh

‣ rehab

‣ family drama

"Nothing happens in life if you don’t do anything with it. You just get old. Inertia is a terrible thing, Janine."

2020: News
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